Monday, March 17, 2014

One week ago (Monday) we had our first trial runs in the pool.  The students worked hard on achieving neutral buoyancy on their control tether.  After that it was play time for them as they practiced the many tasks that they will be tested on in May.  This was an extremely important day as students finally began to identify the issues that their ROVs had in maneuvering and operation.  Some of those issues included:
  1. Pitching when driving forward or backward
  2. Rolling due to uneven distribution of flotation
  3. Tether position interfering with opreration
These issues led to a discussion of rotation and torque which is not a part of the Michigan content expectations for Physics.  We then had another day of redesign and building.  Below are some pictures of our time at the pool.  Sorry there are no videos this time...I was quite busy traveling from group to group.