Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So it's been awhile since my last post. There has been lots of movement and action from the students and I have been a little slow on the recording of their activity.  It doesn't help that I had a technology change and am still learning the ins and outs of my new(er) phone.

Anyway, we had our first trip tot eh FH Aquatic Center.  Unfortunately I was running around so much that I do not have any images to share.  However, the students were able to make some very good observations regarding the motion and operation of their ROVs

Over the past two weeks, every class has been given several class periods to use their observations gathered at the pool and make appropriate adjustments.  Most groups worked on their team Blog, recording the issues that they would like to address/change.  Groups also took speed measurements using the Vernier LabQuest 2.

Other groups decided to go for a redesign.  This group added a second tier to their flat design to add more stability and force (buoyancy) distribution.  

While others groups went further still and started from square one.  Here is a fully dismantled ROV with all the frame parts organized.